Happy New Year 2016: An Update!

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Hello, MANMAKER SPORTS COMMUNITY!!!  It’s been a long time, 5 months now, since we’ve blogged.  We’re already 5 months old!  We have learned so much during these past few months and it’s all because of you!  Thank you for your feedback, pictures, videos, comments, participation, and support!  You  ROCK!!  We are getting better and moving forward so here’s the scoop… let’s get up to speed.

We’ve definitely learned some things!  First of all, we now know we can’t wait 5 months to blog.  Yes, we had to learn that.  (Ok, so now we know!)  When the website launched we thought the company would rocket launch; we were wrong.   But, that’s okay, in fact, we’ve learned to prefer it.  What’s actually happening is this amazing “grass roots” growth that we are astounded to witness.  We had no idea just how prophetic our very first blog about COMMUNITY would be!  The cool thing about the way we’re growing is that we are getting to know you, our customers.  And, you awesome people are telling your co-workers, hairdressers, yoga teachers, cousins, Pilates instructors, running groups, Cross-Fitters, gym goers, and friends!  "Grass Roots Growth and Happy Customers" has been the theme of the past 5 months.   We hope, moving forward together, that it continues to be part of the theme for this New Year, 2016!

Our New Year’s Day Wish for you:
May this special day root you in everything you love so that you grow; however, not necessarily as you expect, but definitely as you should.

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